Oh Happy Day!

This may not seem like a big deal to some of you, but it is HUGE to me.  After years of having to iron clothing on counter tops, tables and even floors, I finally 'splurged' and bought an ironing board....yes...life just got a whole lot easier...

....and, no...I don't iron in a bikini and heels...


Sarah said…
Oh my, I LOVE the bikini and heels and iron picture. :) Not that I would do that, but its a fun photo.

And congratulations on your acquisition of an ironing board! I got my current one four years ago and I honestly do not know what I would do without it. I am at it just as much as I am at the sewing machine. It makes life so much easier!
Jenni said…
thanks...it really is a blessing. Isn't that picture hilarious!

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